Christian - Books PDF for free - Fb2BookFree ru Christian - Books PDF for free - Fb2BookFree DataLife Engine LA MADUREZ ESPIRITUAL LA MADUREZ ESPIRITUAL
Nuestra Misión Llamados a traer el poder sobrenatural de Dios a esta generación.

La Madurez Espiritual Tercera Edición 2007 ISBN: 978-1-59272-049-1 Todos los derechos están reservados por el Ministerio Internacional El Rey Jesús/Publicaciones. Esta publicación no puede ser reproducida ni alterada parcial o totalmente, ni archivada en un sistema electrónico, o transmitida bajo ninguna forma electrónica, mecánica, fotográfica, grabada o de alguna otra manera sin el permiso previo del autor por escrito.]]>
Admin Thu, 25 Jul 2024 00:18:59 -0300
La Gran Comisión La Gran Comisión
“Cumpliendo la Gran Comisión” es un libro donde el autor enfatiza la importancia y el gran desafío de cumplir la Gran Comisión para estos últimos tiempos. Enumera razones que están actualmente desenfocando a la Iglesia y a cada creyente. Razones que han resultado en la desobediencia colectiva e individual al mandato de “ir y haced discípulos a todas las naciones”. El libro está lleno de muchas anécdotas personales y de viajes misioneros, testimonios e ilustraciones. Expone muchos problemas internos en la Iglesia que por años han mantenido al pueblo de Dios desinformado, desinteresado y alejado de su prioridad de cumplir la Gran Comisión.

Entre los capítulos, el autor habla de las diferentes crisis y situaciones que hoy día enfrentan los creyentes y como pueden mantenerse enfocados en la misión que el Señor Jesucristo nos ha dado. Es un llamado a volver al diseño original de la Iglesia y a los fundamentos del cristianismo. Nos anima a apasionarnos por las cosas que apasionan a Dios. Fomenta la importancia de la restauración del ministerio quíntuple y la unidad del cuerpo de Cristo en los últimos tiempos. Es un libro que aporta mucho al crecimiento espiritual del creyente.]]>
Admin Sat, 20 Jul 2024 03:02:08 -0300
Tattoos on the Heart Tattoos on the Heart
How do you fight despair and learn to meet the world with a loving heart? How do you overcome shame? Stay faithful in spite of failure? No matter where people live or what their circumstances may be, everyone needs boundless, restorative love. Gorgeous and uplifting, Tattoos on the Heart amply demonstrates the impact unconditional love can have on your life.
As a pastor working in a neighborhood with the highest concentration of murderous gang activity in Los Angeles, Gregory Boyle created an organization to provide jobs, job training, and encouragement so that young people could work together and learn the mutual respect that comes from collaboration. Tattoos on the Heart is a breathtaking series of parables distilled from his twenty years in the barrio. Arranged by theme and filled with sparkling humor and glowing generosity, these essays offer a stirring look at how full our lives could be if we could find the joy in loving others and in being loved unconditionally. From giant, tattooed Cesar, shopping at JCPenney fresh out of prison, we learn how to feel worthy of God’s love. From ten-year-old Lula we learn the importance of being known and acknowledged. From Pedro we understand the kind of patience necessary to rescue someone from the darkness. In each chapter we benefit from Boyle’s wonderful, hard-earned wisdom. Inspired by faith but applicable to anyone trying to be good, these personal, unflinching stories are full of surprising revelations and observations of the community in which Boyle works and of the many lives he has helped save.

Erudite, down-to-earth, and utterly heartening, these essays about universal kinship and redemption are moving examples of the power of unconditional love in difficult times and the importance of fighting despair. With Gregory Boyle’s guidance, we can recognize our own wounds in the broken lives and daunting struggles of the men and women in these parables and learn to find joy in all of the people around us. Tattoos on the Heart reminds us that no life is less valuable than another.]]>
Admin Wed, 28 Feb 2024 23:30:59 -0400
The First Book of Adam and Eve The First Book of Adam and Eve
The First Book of Adam and Eve is a remarkable ancient religious text that offers a fascinating account of the earliest days of humanity. It recounts the story of Adam and Eve, the first human beings created by God, and their life in the Garden of Eden before their banishment for disobedience. The book explores a range of themes, including human nature, temptation, sin, and the relationship between humanity and the divine. It also highlights the importance of faith, obedience, and the consequences of our actions. While the book's origins are uncertain, it remains a powerful and insightful text that continues to inspire and provoke thought among readers from all walks of life. With its timeless lessons, the First Book of Adam and Eve offers a unique perspective on the human condition and our relationship with the divine.]]>
Admin Wed, 26 Apr 2023 23:08:34 -0300
Duties of An Armor Bearer Duties of An Armor Bearer
Sepulveda is the “armor bearer” of senior pastor Matthew Shaw. An armor bearer — a biblical reference to the one who carries the spear and shield of a warrior — is traditionally the person in the church who assists the pastor in everything from adjusting the temperature in the sanctuary to picking up visitors at the airport to running interference for the minister.]]>
Admin Sun, 04 Dec 2022 22:19:01 -0400
Powers of the Psalms Powers of the Psalms
The perfect prayer book - that is what the Book of Psalms has been called. Written over a period of about eight hundred years, these one hundred fifty poems and hymns are the most important existing collection of Hebrew national and religious poetry.]]>
Admin Mon, 12 Oct 2020 22:16:11 -0300
The Purpose Driven Life The Purpose Driven Life
Translated into over 50 languages, The Purpose Driven Life is far more than just a book; it is a guide to a spiritual journey that has transformed millions of lives. Once you take this journey, you'll never be the same again. This new, expanded edition of The Purpose Driven Life, created for a new generation of reader, includes: Video introductions by Rick Warren to chapters 1-40, An audio Bible study at the end of each chapter, with over 30 additional hours of teaching by Rick Warren. Two new bonus chapters on the most common barriers to living a purpose driven life. Access to an online community where you can discuss your journey to purpose, get feedback, and receive support. Living out the purpose you were created for moves you beyond mere survival and success to a life of significance-the life you were meant to live. On your journey you'll find the answers to 3 of life's most important questions: The Question of Existence: Why am I alive? The Question of Significance: Does my life matter? The Question of Purpose: What on earth am I here for? Transform your life. Start your journey today.]]>
Admin Tue, 25 Aug 2020 23:39:56 -0300
Systematic Theology Systematic Theology
Systematic Theology is the culmination and creative synthesis of John Frame’s writing on, teaching about, and studying of the Word of God. This magisterial opus at once biblical, clear, cogent, listenable, accessible, and practical summarizes the mature thought of one of the most important and original Reformed theologians of the last 100 years. It will enable you to see clearly how the Bible explains God’s great, sweeping plan for mankind.]]>
Admin Tue, 16 Jun 2020 21:01:15 -0300
The Spirit of St. Francis de Sales The Spirit of St. Francis de Sales
Jean-Pierre Camus is a French writer and theologian whose novels enjoyed great success in the 17th century. Known for his criticism of the mendicant orders, he considered their members to be loafers. Sympathized with the Jesuits. In total, this highly prolific author wrote about 260 works. The Camus case clearly demonstrates how unsteady the line between the "best seller" and the moralizing book was in the 17th century.]]>
viktoriabaida1 Fri, 17 Apr 2020 11:27:23 -0300
The Faith of Our Fathers The Faith of Our Fathers
Gibbons, James - American theologian, cardinal, one of the most influential figures of the Catholic Church in the United States. His works are widespread in the United States. In 1889, he founded the Catholic University of America in Washington and was its first president. In this book, the author substantiated the right of the Catholic Church to be the only God-anointed mentor in matters of faith.]]>
viktoriabaida1 Tue, 14 Apr 2020 12:25:57 -0300