Brother Lawrence was a man of humble beginnings who discovered for himself the greatest secret of life in the kingdom of God here on earth. This is the art of "practicing God's presence in one simple act that never ends." He has always declared that it is God who draws himself in the depths of our souls. We just need to open our hearts to receive Him, and His loving presence. As a humble cook, moving every day through daily duties, Brother Lawrence learned an important lesson: "The time he spent in communion with God must be the same, despite the surrounding turmoil in the kitchen with a few people asking questions, or knees in prayer. " He learned to perfect the depth of God's presence in his heart so thoroughly that he could joyfully exclaim: "I do now what I will do all eternity. I bless God, praise Him, exalt Him and love Him with all my heart." For over 300 years, this unparalleled classical work gives blessing and instruction to those who do not want to be satisfied with anything other than the knowledge of God in all of His power and the experience of His tender presence throughout the day.
Book The Practice of the Presence of God (by Brother of the Resurrection Lawrence)