Main Street by Sinclair Lewis by Sinclair Lewis PDF S
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Main Street by Sinclair Lewis [PDF] [EPUB] [MOBI]

Main Street by Sinclair Lewis
  • Added By: viktoriabaida1
  • Genre: Сlassic
  • Date of first publication: 1920
  • Number of pages: ~ 421
  • Amazon Rating ~ 2.9/5
  • filetype:pdf

Book brief summary
Main Street by Sinclair Lewis
The novel "Main Street" brought the author literary fame and placed him among the most significant American writers of that era. Sinclair Lewis's work evolved under the sign of the great events of the twentieth century: the first imperialist war, the October Socialist Revolution. Social inequality at this point became more apparent. Imperialist America presented itself as a rattling reinforced concrete hell with the bestial rudeness of possessive customs. From the feeling of heartlessness and cruelty of modern bourgeois civilization, the theme of the tragedy of a depressed and impersonal person, lonely and tormented, arose. Sinclair Lewis developed it in the form of a kind of everyday realism, giving his narrative a touch of everyday life and everyday life.

Book Main Street by Sinclair Lewis (by Sinclair Lewis)

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