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by Robert Burton
The Anatomy of Melancholy
What is melancholy? How does it relate to mental disorders - dementia and craziness, rabies and lycanthropea? How do melancholy engender witchcraft and magic, stars and signs, food and sleep, pleasure and sadness, passions and excitement, poverty and wealth, selfishness and vanity, love of knowledge and excessive study of science? The author considers the essence and causes of melancholy, speaking in modern language, as a philosopher and sociologist, psychologist and psychiatrist, involving a huge number of literary sources - from Antiquity to the New Age....
Number of pages: ~ 676 pages

by James Luceno
Darth Plagueis Novel
Darth Plagueis: one of the most brilliant Sith Lords who ever lived. Possessing power is all he desires. Losing it is the only thing he fears. As an apprentice, he embraces the ruthless ways of the Sith. And when the time is right, he destroys his Master—but vows never to suffer the same fate. For like no other disciple of the dark side, Darth Plagueis learns to command the ultimate power . . . over life and death. Darth Sidious: Plagueis’s chosen apprentice. Under the guidance of his Master, he secretly studies the ways of the Sith, while publicly rising to power in the galactic...
Number of pages: ~ 496 pages

by John Galsworthy
John Golsworthy is an English prose writer and playwright, author of the famous cycle “The Forsyte Saga,” Nobel Prize in Literature (1932). In the drama "Fidelity," he expressed concern for the "lost generation" that comes into life after the end of World War I. Although the author’s position is limited by his belief in the inviolability of the bourgeois system, loyalty to realism led to the fact that the panorama he created correctly reflected the gradual decline of the English bourgeoisie. But if in the pre-war period, in his writings, the predatory egoism of the Forsytes was mainly...
Number of pages: ~ 84 pages

by Walter Jerrold
Charles Lamb
Walter Jerrold wrote and edited, also as Walter Copeland for children. From a theatrical family, he rose to deputy editor of The Observer newspaper, spending most of his life in London. "Tradition in the nursery has acted as a severe editor."...
Number of pages: ~ 70 pages

by Bernard Shaw
Heartbreak House
"Heartbreak House" is one of the Show's "visiting cards", the witty and subtle tragicomedy of the morals of British secular society after the First World War, to which the author was inspired, in his own words, by Chekhov's dramaturgy. The action takes place on a September evening in an English provincial house that resembles a ship in shape, for its owner, a gray-haired old man, captain Châtover, sailed the whole life through the seas. His daughter Hesion invited Ellie, her father and Mengen, to upset her marriage, because she does not want the girl to marry an unloved man because of the...
Number of pages: ~ 238 pages

by Tom Taylor
Our American Cousin
The work of Tom Taylor dates back to 1850-1870, to the time when, after the suppression of the Chartist movement, to replace the socio-political novel of 30-50. and poetry of social pity came, on the one hand, aesthetics, and on the other - sensational literature, reactionary in its class ideology. This literature is characterized by a sharp plot. Taylor's melodramas are extremely typical in this respect. Rich in acute situations, dynamic and spectacular, they did not leave the scene until the last years of the 19th century....
Number of pages: ~ 88 pages

by Edith Wharton
The Fruit of the Tree
Edith Wharton - author of more than twenty novels and ten collections of short stories - the first woman writer to be awarded the Pulitzer Prize. Such works of Wharton, such as "Resident of Joy," "Ethan From," "The Age of Innocence," "The Fruit of the Tree," were included in the golden fund of American literature. The novel "The Age of Innocence" formed the basis of the film of the same name by Martin Scorsese, which received recognition and popularity. The confrontation of the individual and society, the clash of generally accepted moral principles and sincere deep feelings inevitably lead...
Number of pages: ~ 394 pages

by Eugene O'Neill
Anna Christie
Being the son of a famous romantic actor, Eugene O’Neill was well acquainted with the American theater of the late XIX - early XX centuries and passionately hated him. I hated melodramas written in bad language, did not recognize the acting style and the lack of ensemble, full of cliches, and rejected the naturalness of scenography. Speaking as an innovative playwright, he sought to create a completely different type of theater. O’Neill's early plays are a riot against an established commercial theater tradition. In O’Neill’s early plays, the main characters were social types of the lower...
Number of pages: ~ 94 pages

by Bernard Shaw
You Never Can Tell
The action takes place in a coastal city. The play tells the story of Mrs. Clandon and her three children, Dolly, Philip and Gloria, who had just returned to England after eighteen years in Madeira. Children have no idea who their father is, and through a series of comedic mistakes, they ultimately invite him to a family dinner....
Number of pages: ~ 112 pages

by Israel Zangwill
The Melting-Pot
Israel Zangville, an English writer and public figure who traveled extensively throughout the United States, in 1907 put the following words into the mouth of the protagonist of his play: “... America is the greatest melting pot created by God in which all the peoples of Europe are mixed and transformed into a single people!". The word "boiler" carries a figurative and direct meaning. Immigrants from England, Sweden, the Netherlands, France, Germany, slaves from Africa and local Indians created something new and general from their national cuisines and gastronomic preferences....
Number of pages: ~ 152 pages

With the Night Mail: A Story of 2000 A.D.
When traveling from England to Canada at night, you can learn about the device of the airships, observe the salvage of the trump crew, survive the storm and get to know the work of the Air Transport Administration, an organization that controls transport, and the whole world with it....
Number of pages: ~ 36 pages

by Jules Verne
The Mysterious Island
The most terrible wars are civil wars, when hatred goes beyond all limits, when a brother goes against his brother, when getting captured can be worse than death. It was in this situation that the five northerners found themselves, whose desire for freedom was stronger than the fear of dying in captivity or while trying to escape. But the result of the flight in a balloon turned out to be unpredictable: as a result of a hurricane, they were brought to a desert island. Many adventures and dangers await them there, but courage, knowledge and ingenuity will allow them not only to survive, but...
Number of pages: ~ 293 pages

by Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm
Grimm's Fairy Tales
The Grimm brothers are one of the most famous storytellers on the planet. Everyone knows the tales and protagonists of these wonderful authors of the Bremen Town Musicians, King Thrushbeard, Snow White and Rose Red, The Brave Tailor, and many others. Their stories are still being translated into many different languages and reprinted each year in huge print runs....
Number of pages: ~ 296 pages

Back to Methuselah A Metabiological Pentateuch
The whole play is the apotheosis of human will. If people want to, they will be immortal. In any case, it is in the power of people to extend their lives to the Methuselah century. One of the heroes of the play, biologist Konrad Barnabas, has proved on a number of experiments that a person, by exerting his will, can live hundreds and hundreds of years. The biologist has a brother, a politician, he preaches this theory everywhere. Lloyd George and Asquith hunt for the Barnabas, each strives to get them in his party in order to secure the majority of the votes in the elections....
Number of pages: ~ 394 pages

Jukes-Edwards: A Study in Education and Heredity
The author wrote this book to show the two extremes of the decisions we make in life. Two people made their free choice based on life experience and education. The contrast of religions, also shown in the book, prompts reflection on philosophy....
Number of pages: ~ 71 pages