Chess Fundamentals by José Raúl Capablanca PDF S
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Chess Fundamentals [PDF] [EPUB] [MOBI]

Chess Fundamentals
  • Added By: viktoriabaida1
  • Genre: Education
  • Date of first publication: 1921
  • Number of pages: ~ 254
  • Amazon Rating ~ 3.9/5
  • filetype:pdf

Book brief summary
Chess Fundamentals
José Raúl Capablanca - Cuban chess player, chess writer, diplomat, 3rd world chess champion (won the title in a match with Lasker in 1921, lost to Alekhine in 1927), one of the strongest chess players in the world in the 1910 - 1930s, winner of many international tournaments. In its heyday, Capablanca gained fame as a “chess machine”, equally masterly leading the party in the middlegame and the endgame and almost error-free. In official high-level meetings (since 1909), Capablanca lost only 34 games, and from 1916 to 1924 remained undefeated.

Book Chess Fundamentals (by José Raúl Capablanca)

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