L'Étranger by Albert Camus PDF S
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L'Étranger [PDF] [EPUB] [MOBI]

  • Added By: Admin
  • Genre: Fiction
  • Date of first publication: 1957
  • Number of pages: ~ 72
  • Amazon Rating ~ 4.6/5
  • filetype:pdf

Book brief summary
L'Étranger est le premier roman d’Albert Camus, paru en 1942. Il prend place dans la tétralogie que Camus nommera « cycle de l’absurde » qui décrit les fondements de la philosophie camusienne : l’absurde.

Jugé, reconnu coupable de meurtre avec préméditation, condamné à mort et exécuté, on ne saura jamais pourquoi Meursault a tué. Il assiste à son procès comme si c'était un autre qu'on jugeait. Une profonde réflexion sur l'être et la vie.

Albert Camus (7 November, 1913—4 January 1960) was a French-Algerian author, journalist, and playwright best known for his absurdist works The Stranger (1942) and The Plague (1947). He won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1957 at the age of 43, the second youngest recipient in history.

Born in Mondavi, French Algeria, Camus did well in school and was admitted to the University of Algiers where he studied philosophy and played goalie for the soccer team. He quit the team following a bout of tuberculosis in 1930, thereafter focusing on academic study. By 1936, he had obtained undergraduate and graduate degrees in philosophy. He became political during his student years, joining first the Communist Party and then the Algerian People's Party. As a champion of individual rights, he opposed French colonization and argued for the empowerment of Algerians in politics and labor. Camus would later be associated with the French anarchist movement. He was one of the few Allied journalists to condemn the American use of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima. He was also an outspoken critic of communist theory, eventually leading to a rift with Sartre whom he had met during the war when he joined the French Resistance movement. ...

Book L'Étranger (by Albert Camus)

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