The chessmen of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs PDF S
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The chessmen of Mars
  • Added By: nosferatulive
  • Genre: Fiction
  • Date of first publication: 1922
  • Number of pages: ~ 105
  • Amazon Rating ~ 4.5 out of 5
  • filetype:pdf

Book brief summary
The chessmen of Mars

Tara from Helium, the daughter of John Carter and Dei Toris, receives potential suitors at the court of her father, including Jor Kantos, the son of Kantos Kan. She especially did not like the ruler of the distant Gatola - Jed Gahan, in diamond-decorated armor. The whim of the princess was an air walk in which she fell into a hurricane. The hurricane brought Tara to the country of Bantum, inhabited by terrible creatures.

Book The chessmen of Mars (by Edgar Rice Burroughs)

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