Today, more than on other days, Raul Beardsley felt a burden pulling a sense of inevitability. He frowned; he looked at his watch; he leaned forward to speak with the helicopter pilot, and then changed his mind. He leaned back in his chair and lounged out of habit, adjusting the scope of his chair in the usual wide area of Washington just below.
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We're Friends, Now
by Henry Hasse
- Added By: wemjuntorez
- Genre: Fiction
- Date of first publication: 1960
- pagesNumber of pages: ~ 37
- Amazon Rating ~ n/a
- filetype:pdf
Book brief summary
Today, more than on other days, Raul Beardsley felt a burden pulling a sense of inevitability. He frowned; he looked at his watch; he leaned forward to speak with the helicopter pilot, and then changed his mind. He leaned back in his chair and lounged out of habit, adjusting the scope of his chair in the usual wide area of Washington just below.
Book We're Friends, Now (by Henry Hasse)
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