The book includes short stories and tales of the famous American writer Herman Melville, who became famous for the great novel Moby Dick, or White Whale. Small prose, which became a field of bold experiments for the author, prompted critics to compare Melville with Gogol and Dostoevsky, as well as call the harbinger of creativity....
The trials of a patent lawyer are usually highly technical tribulations--and among the greatest is the fact that Inventors are only slightly less predictable than their Inventions!...
Intelligence is a great help in the evolution-by-survival--but intelligence without muscle is even less useful than muscle without brains. But it's so easy to forget that muscle--plain physical force--is important, too!...
This is NOT a story about sinister aliens from outer space. This is simply the story of what happened to poor Junius when she found herself much too close to a Flying Saucer, long enough so she could be analyzed and long enough to cause some strange happenings on that farm....
The author is ready to substantiate the marvelous cures performed by Dr. Jones, for they are cases from practice. One of the objects of this work is to stimulate scientific investigation of the law of cure which guided the worthy Doctor in his selection of the remedy in a given case....
If you let a man learn, and study, and work--and clamp a lid on so that nothing he takes into his mind can be let out--one way or another he'll blow a safety valve!...
A hard - boiled esper in a hard-boiled paranormal future. In a world where the cops can use extra-sensory perception to help prevent and solve crimes, criminals go mental . . . And a hot babe by the name of Martha could really dig that . . ....
Bradley had one fear in his life. He had to escape regeneration. To do that, he was will ing to take any chance, coward though he was--even if it meant that he had to become a god!...
When a country is as champion-conscious as America, it's surprising that no one has yet developed the ultimate contest. Dr. McClatchie, whose recent novel, "The Last Vial," established him as a top-ranking sf writer, now tells us the engaging story of the geneticists' search for ......
A scream of brakes, the splash into icy waters, a long descent into alkaline depths ... it was death. But Ned Vince lived again ... a million years later, thanks to the strange creatures who had evolved on Earth after the Age of Man!...
She smiled. She was Ruth Halsey, fourteen, brunette, and pretty. Earl, and Harry, and Buhl had told her she was pretty. Especially Buhl. Buhl was her favorite date now....