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A Matter of Honor: A Terran Empire novel
It was all their fault, Thark growled to himself, increasing his pace as the sleek lines of his ship came into view. Not even the prospect of flying the Prowler lightened his mood this time. The Chaos-loving schools had done too much! They were fine for the unTalented, like humans and now Traiti, but they had probably precipitated a disaster here on Irschcha. Their damnable stress on Imperial rather than planetary allegiance was to blame; it had deprived him of the strongest Talent to appear in many years, Corina Losinj--and it would cost Corina her life soon, if it hadn't already....
Number of pages: ~ 82 pages

by Lilian Bell
Carolina Lee
Having been born in Paris, Carolina tried to make the best of it, but being a very ardent little American girl, she always felt that her foreign birth was something which must be lived down, so when people asked her where she was born, her reply was likely to be: "Well, I was born in Paris, but I am named for an American State!"...
Number of pages: ~ 130 pages

by Ridgwell Cullum
The Men Who Wrought
  • Fiction
  • 2011
  • Autor: Ridgwell Cullum
"Amongst the many uncertainties which this deplorable; patched-up peace has brought us; there is; at least; one significant certainty; my boy. It's the inventor. He's buzzing about our heads like a fly in summer-time; and he's just about as—sticky."...
Number of pages: ~ 150 pages

The Invisible Man: A Grotesque Romance
H.G. Wells classic tale of science, ethics and madness, The Invisible Man: A Grotesque Romance tells the story of a scientist named Griffin who develops an ingenious serum that can render people invisible. Taking it himself, Griffin begins a slow descent into insanity...and murder. One of Wells' infamous Scientific Romances, The Invisible Man is an early sci-fi classic and a must-listen for all fans of the genre....
Number of pages: ~ 84 pages

The Lights on Precipice Peak
What are those strange lights coming from Precipice Peak? Based on a story by Stephen Tall, this episode of X Minus One originally aired on March 13, 1957. X Minus One premiered in April 1955 on NBC and ran until January 1958. Like its predecessor series, Dimension X, X Minus One featured stories by the greatest names in modern science fiction: Ray Bradbury, Isaac Asimov, Robert Heinlein, Clifford Simak, Robert Bloch, and many more....
Number of pages: ~ 15 pages

A Journey into the Interior of the Earth
The fearless Professor Lidenbrock makes the most remarkable expedition of the nineteenth century: a journey through the extinct Icelandic volcano to the very core of the Earth. In his quest to penetrate the eternal mysteries of the planet, the geologist - along with the nephew of the earthquake Axel and their devoted guide Hans - discovers an amazing underground menagerie of prehistoric proportions. Verne's figurative tale is at once the supreme sci-fi adventure and a reflection of the perfection of the human understanding and psychology of the Quaestor....
Number of pages: ~ 157 pages

by Bertram Gayton
The Gland Stealers
  • Fiction
  • 2015
  • Autor: Bertram Gayton
Gran'pa is ninety-five, possessed of £100,000, a fertile imagination, and a good physique. He sees in the papers accounts of the theory of rejuvenation by means of gland-grafting. Nothing will satisfy him but that the experiment should be made upon himself. He acquires a gorilla, a hefty murderous brute, and the operation is performed with success. That is only the beginning. He next determines to dig out an old love, and make her young, too; and Sally, a dear old lady of seventy, arrives upon the scene. Inspired to philanthropy by the thrill of regained youth, Gran'pa decides to take a...
Number of pages: ~ 177 pages

The Gilded Man: A Romance of the Andes
United States consul at Carthagena, that unspoiled haunt ed city oi the Spanish Main, which, it may be recalled....
Number of pages: ~ 139 pages

by Joe Gibson
The Machine That Floats
What if you invented a space ship? Would you give it to the world? And what if you decide NOT to! Are you a criminal to be hunted down?...
Number of pages: ~ 67 pages

by Percival Pollard
The Imitator: A Novel
  • Fiction
  • 2012
  • Autor: Percival Pollard
Orson Wayne lowered as if a mask, an ironic smile worn on his lips. You want sincerity, he said, well, then I'll be sincere. Sincerity creates wrinkles, but it is a privilege for our friends to make us old by our time. Sincerely, Luke, I'm very, very tired....
Number of pages: ~ 66 pages

by Maude Mary Butler
A Soldier's Son
The Author wishes to state that no case of Christian Science healing has been cited in this story but such as she has known of a parallel case in real life....
Number of pages: ~ 111 pages

by Mack Reynolds
  • Fiction
  • 1961
  • Autor: Mack Reynolds
State Security Agent, Colonel Ilya Simonov, was sent to Prague to the Moskvich car dealership. Recently, a wind of change has been blowing from Prague. It's horrible! The Soviet government intends to end it!...
Number of pages: ~ 22 pages

by Frank Belknap Long
The Man from Time
  • Fiction
  • 1954
  • Autor: Frank Belknap Long
Man from Time is a short science fiction novel written in 1954 for the magazine Fantastic Universe. The method by which one person could be precisely defined in the vastness of Eternity was the problem that the universal Frank Belknap Long dealt with in this story. And, as all minds of great discernment know, this would be a simple human quality that he would find most effective even in solving Space-time. "In the depths of the future, he found the answer to the eternal problem of man." It's nice to publish this new, high-quality and affordable edition of this timeless story....
Number of pages: ~ 14 pages

by Terry Carr
Warlord of Kor
"Horng sat opposite the tiny, fragile creature who held a microphone, its wires attached to an interpreting machine. He blinked his huge eyes slowly, his stiff mouth fumblingly forming words of a language his race had not used for thirty thousand years. 'Kor was . . . is . . . God . . . Knowledge.' He had tried to convey this to the small creatures who had invaded his world, but they did not heed. Their ill-equipped brains were trying futilely to comprehend the ancient race memory of his people."...
Number of pages: ~ 61 pages

by Mack Reynolds
  • Fiction
  • 1962
  • Autor: Mack Reynolds
Each status quo-caste society in history has left two roads open to rise above your caste: Priest and Warrior. But in the society of television and tranquilizers - the Warrior takes on a new strange meaning ......
Number of pages: ~ 45 pages