The book written by Lebanese-American poet and writer Gibran Khalil Gibran, consisting of 26 prose poems written in English. It was published in 1923 by Alfred A. Knopf. "The Prophet", the most famous writer's work, translated for more than 40 different languages and never stopped to be published. “The Prophet” of Almustafa, who lived in the city of Orfalese, foreign to him, is 12 years old and he's going to board a ship that takes him home. He was stopped by a group of local residents who ask him questions on some philosophical topics. The book is divided into chapters on the main...
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work....
This book was digitized and reprinted from the collections of the University of California Libraries. It was produced from digital images created through the libraries’ mass digitization efforts. The digital images were cleaned and prepared for printing through automated processes. Despite the cleaning process, occasional flaws may still be present that were part of the original work itself, or introduced during digitization....
The protracted struggle between science and the classics appears to be drawing to a close, with victory about to perch on the banner of science, as a perusal of almost any university or college catalogue shows. While a limited knowledge of both Greek and Latin is important for the correct use of our own language, the amount till recently required, in my judgment, has been absurdly out of proportion to the intrinsic value of these branches, or perhaps more correctly roots, of study. The classics have been thoroughly and painfully threshed out, and it seems impossible that anything new can be...
The plot of the story revolves around the family of degenerate aristocrats Whateley (Eng. Whateley) [~ 1], living in Massachusetts, in a small settlement Dunvich, located in the upper reaches of the Miskatonic River (Eng. Miskatonic). Dunvich has a very bad reputation, due to the fact that in the local mountains from time to time there is a terrible rumble from under the ground, and the nightjars behave very strangely, according to local beliefs, they are guides to the world of the dead. The Whateley family consisted of a sullen old man, rumored to be engaged in black magic and his albino...
There is much to say. Many have a part in this story of our days. Their work is on the table. Yet no manuscript, no chapter, is a real beginning. One must start a book this way—with a fresh sheet in the machine and tell what he is going to tell about.... First of all, it has to do with the unfolding of the child mind; all the Stonestudy work has been for that, but the brimming wonder of it all is that we have chiefly been employed unfolding ourselves....
In July of 1904 the eighty-seven mortal years of George Frederick Watts came to an end. He had outlived all the contemporaries and acquaintances of his youth; few, even among the now living, knew him in his middle age; while to those of the present generation, who knew little of the man though much of his work, he appeared as members of the Ionides family, thus inaugurating the series of private and public portraits for which he became so famous. The Watts of our day, however, the teacher first and the painter afterwards, had not yet come on the scene. His first aspiration towards monumental...
Henry James’s novels and classics of American and world literature, author of the novels American, Woman Portrait, Wings of the Dove, Ambassadors, etc., are included in the book into the world of psychological mysteries, superstitious expectations, mysterious, terrible and sometimes unexplained events. The novel entitled The Turning of the Screw, which gave the title to the collection, became a kind of "calling card" of James the Innovator and won numerous screen adaptations. The original interpretation of the motive of meeting with ghosts brought the story closer to the parapsychological...
Henry James’s novels and classics of American and world literature, author of the novels American, Woman Portrait, Wings of the Dove, Ambassadors, etc., are included in the book into the world of psychological mysteries, superstitious expectations, mysterious, terrible and sometimes unexplained events. The novel entitled The Turning of the Screw, which gave the title to the collection, became a kind of "calling card" of James the Innovator and won numerous screen adaptations. The original interpretation of the motive of meeting with ghosts brought the story closer to the parapsychological...
This is not just a golden classic of world literature, but a novel that turned in its time the idea of romantic prose. Years and decades pass, but the history of Heathcliff’s stormy, tragic love and Katie is still beyond the reach of time. THROUGH POSSIBLE has been already read by many generations of women - they continue to be read now. This book does not age, as true love does not age. See the Book's Video Review/Recommendation:...
Leaves of Grass - a poetry collection written by the American poet Walt Whitman. Despite the first edition was published in 1855, Whitman continued to write a collection throughout his life, and before his death managed to release several editions. The collection dedicated to the ascent and admiration of feelings in times when such straightforwardness was considered immoral. When most of the poetry of that time was focused on symbolism and allegories on spiritual and religious themes, the Leaves of Grass (especially the first edition) praised the physical and material world. However,...
Ludwig Wittgenstein - British philosopher of Austrian origin, one of the most original thinkers of the European philosophy of the twentieth century, the creator of the theory of constructing an artificial "ideal" language based on the language of mathematical logic. The text of the Logical and Philosophical Treatise can hardly be described as voluminous, but it is difficult to overestimate its significance for all subsequent European philosophy, and brevity in this case only tells how concisely, accurately and precisely Wittgenstein formulated his thought. Seven short abstracts and a little...
Dale Carnegie said: “If you want excellent advice on how to deal with people, manage yourself and improve your personal qualities, read the autobiography of Benjamin Franklin - one of the most fascinating stories of life.” Benjamin Franklin (January 17, 1706 - April 17, 1790) was a politician, diplomat, scientist, inventor, journalist, publisher, and freemason. One of the leaders of the war for the independence of the United States. The first American to become a foreign member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. His biography is among the leaders in downloading on the Internet all over the...
The book is a real historical jewel, as it is written by great Greek ancient philosopher Plato, who high understanding of the types of social structures, which are similar to our modern ones. The basis of the book is a dialogue in which questions are raised about the ideal state system. At least 5 different types of political system will be considered, pointing out the bad and positive sides of each, with a detailed description of how they can work. And in the end, Plato will be given an opinion on how he sees the ideal state for the fair and high-quality life of its inhabitants....
The author of the book is well known English political philosopher - Thomas Hobbes. In the book, Thomas raises problems of state or national building. In 17 century, the book was banned in England and was intended to be burned. Mainly in the book opens the biblical monster - Leviathan, цho is a type of god that degrades people. And in this situation, they will have to join and submit themselves to condone the so-called state, where all should obey a single duty. Regulation of relations between people - the main task of the state....