“Red, White & Royal Blue” is a contemporary romance novel written by Casey McQuiston, published in 2019. The story revolves around Alex Claremont-Diaz, the First Son of the United States, and Prince Henry of Wales. Alex is a charismatic and ambitious young man who has a longstanding rivalry with Prince Henry. However, when an altercation at a royal wedding causes a PR disaster, they are forced to pretend to be best friends to salvage the situation.
Red White and Royal Blue PDF
As they spend more time together, Alex and Henry’s animosity turns into friendship and eventually blossoms into a secret romance. The novel explores themes of identity, love, and the pressures of public life, all set against the backdrop of political intrigue and social expectations. It’s a heartwarming and humorous tale of love overcoming obstacles and defying societal norms. The book received widespread acclaim for its engaging characters, witty writing, and heartfelt portrayal of LGBTQ+ relationships.