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by Anonymous
The Dhammapada
Passed along for centuries through oral tradition by the followers of Buddhism, “The Dhammapada” is a collection of sayings by Buddha which concisely presents the religion’s core philosophies....
Number of pages: ~ 105 pages

by Anonymous
Lost Mine Trail
Of the many romantic legends which abound throughout the West, few match the Lost Mine story from which the peak takes its name. Is it true? Did the mine exist? Or was it a campfire fabrication handed down from generation to generation? Early Spanish explorers of the Southwest, in their fervent search for gold and other riches, discovered and developed many mines, some yielding silver and gold. According to legend, a rich ore body was discovered on the highest point of Lost Mine Peak. Life-term prisoners were forced to work the mine. These men were blindfolded on several occasions in their...

IBM 1401 Programming Systems
This book was converted from its physical edition to the digital format by a community of volunteers. This work was dedicated to extent people's knowledge about IBM 1401 decimal computer with some description of how it's programming systems work....
Number of pages: ~ 36 pages