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by Homer
The Odyssey
“Odyssey” is a fabulous and everyday poem, its action takes place, on the one hand, in the magical lands of giants and monsters where Odysseus roamed, on the other hand, in his small kingdom on the island of Ithaca and its environs, where his wife Penelope and his son Telemachus. In the Odyssey, only the very end of his wanderings, the last two stages, from the far western edge of the earth to his native Ithaca, was chosen for the story. Odysseus talks about everything that was before at a feast in the middle of the poem. In Odyssey, a fairy tale sets off everyday life, and not vice versa,...
Number of pages: ~ 196 pages

by Homer
The Iliad
The book is one of the most important masterpieces of human's heritage in the world. A lot of famous creative creators remind the author's masterwork in their writing as it opens global philosophy questions about people, their life, what is the reason of death and life., and why we should accept it. All it surrounded by grand historical events. The main event is Trojan War, which is described to the smallest details to feel how great are heroes, who committed feats for the sake of their country, loved ones, honor. Translators made an amazing job, as the text is so understandable, that you can...
Number of pages: ~ 838 pages