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by Edgar Rice Burroughs
The Son of Tarzan
  • Fiction
  • 1993
  • Autor: Edgar Rice Burroughs
The story "Son of Tarzan" refers to the cycle of fascinating stories about Tarzan by Edgar Burroughs. The story tells about the fate of Jack, son of Tarzan and Jane....
Number of pages: ~ 352 pages

by Edgar Rice Burroughs
The Beasts of Tarzan
  • Fiction
  • 2017
  • Autor: Edgar Rice Burroughs
Returning from the jungle, Tarzan takes possession of the Greystokes inheritance and plunges into the bustle of London. To fully enjoy the joys of family life. His worst enemy escaped from prison and carried out a cunning plan of residence, as a result of which Tarzan was thrown onto an optional island without any hope of salvation. No less terrible fate that he committed No matter how insidious the ocean is, neither the predatory creatures of the wild forests, nor the warlike natives, nor the torrential rains, nor any other footprints, not obsessed by the ape-man to save his beloved Jane and...
Number of pages: ~ 162 pages

by Giles Bishop
The Marines Have Landed
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute...
Number of pages: ~ 378 pages

by Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and Smith
The Book of Mormon
  • Christian
  • 2008
  • Autor: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and Smith
This is an abbreviated record of the people of Nephi and the Lamanites. It is written to the Lamanites - the remains of the house of Israel, as well as to Judea and to the Gentile; written as a commandment by the spirit of prophecy and revelation; written and sealed that she was not exterminated. Of God for the interpretation thereof. Lord, it will appear in due time through the mediation of a Gentile. The interpretation of this is through the gift of God. It is also an abbreviated chronicle, taken from the book of Efer, which contains the history of a people when it builds a tower to reach...
Number of pages: ~ 640 pages

by L. M. Montgomery
Anne of Avonlea
In the first novel by Lucy Montgomery, whose action unfolds in Canada at the end of the 19th century, we are familiar with the main character, Anne Shirley. An eleven-year-old girl, red-haired Ann, is brought from a orphanage to a small family on the Greengaby farm ......
Number of pages: ~ 304 pages

by Edgar Rice Burroughs
Warlord of Mars
  • Fiction
  • 1993
  • Autor: Edgar Rice Burroughs
It was one of the first, if not the first, story about the "hitman." Actually, he did not know anything (however, as now), and also considering that this was one of Burrough’s first works in the literary field — the book is good enough. Fantasy and enthusiasm of the author overlap small flaws. It is worth noting only two. First, the path to Mars and back. Enough vague and incomprehensible, but simply and elegantly in the light of that time. Secondly, the author of this article was the time periods in his book. For example, battles are described in great detail, and some minor episodes are...
Number of pages: ~ 160 pages

by Washington Irving
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
  • Fiction
  • 2008
  • Autor: Washington Irving
The favorite story of the Dutch settlement Sleepy Hollow, New York, is the sinister story of a ghost. A headless horseman watches overdue travelers. Icabod Crane, faithful to everything otherworldly, is caring for Katharina Van Tassel, a blond beauty and a daughter landowner, Baltus van Tassel. Congratulations on the autumn night, when the sovereign bridegroom returns to the bride's house, he begins to pursue the very ghost, at night looking for his lost head in battle. Since then, Ikaboda Crane has not been seen. The beautiful Katharina Van Tassel married Abraham Van Brant, who with all...
Number of pages: ~ 33 pages

by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
Thus Spake Zarathustra: A Book for All and None
  • Science
  • 1999
  • Autor: Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
The book for all and for no one is the philosophical novel of Friedrich Nietzsche, which began to be published in 1883. Initially the book consisted of three separate parts. Nietzsche intended to write three more parts, but he finished only one - the fourth. After the death of Nietzsche, all four parts were published in one volume....
Number of pages: ~ 395 pages

by Edgar Rice Burroughs
A Princess of Mars
  • Fiction
  • 1993
  • Autor: Edgar Rice Burroughs
Interplanetary dangers and incredible adventures on the red planet await you on the pages of the famous trilogy of science fiction novels by Edgar Rais Burroughs! Burroughs is considered to be the founder of modern science fiction. His novels about John Carter, which saw the light in the 1920s, instantly gained immense popularity and paved the way for a new genre - the adventure fantasy genre. John Carter, a cavalry officer from Virginia, is magically transferred to Mars, where there is a constant struggle between various races, inhabiting the red planet. Thanks to his courage, determination,...
Number of pages: ~ 175 pages

by William Strunk
The Elements of Style
This updated 2018 Classic Edition contains the original version of William Strunk's The Elements of Style, plus a variety of enhancements that make this book even more useful. It is now being used as a textbook in classes at University of Minnesota, University of Texas, UC Berkeley, and elsewhere. Generations of college students and writers have learned the basics of English grammar from this short book. It was rated "one of the 100 most influential books written in English" by Time in 2011, and iconic author Stephen King recommended it as a grammar primer that all aspiring writers should...
Number of pages: ~ 56 pages

by Agatha Christie
The Murder on the Links
Hercule Poirot receives a letter from a South American millionaire asking for help. Could not have time to save the unfortunate man in the golf course. You should have killed a millionaire....

by Arthur Conan Doyle
The Hound of the Baskervilles
The book includes the famous story by Arthur Conan Doyle “The Hound of the Baskervilles” (1902), the plot of which is based on a randomly heard author. The investigation of the strange origin is a consequence of the attack on monstrous dogs, which predetermine the persecution of family Baskervilles. The mystery of the family portrait, jealousy, the struggle for the inheritance and explicit recognition in the finale of the narrative create a unique flavor of one of the best works of the detective genre. You can read the book The Hound of the Baskervilles for free. To read the book of the...
Number of pages: ~ 128 pages

by Frances Hodgson Burnett
The Secret Garden
You don't need to love your parents. It seems that there will be nothing good in this life. Fate stretches the heroine of the book....
Number of pages: ~ 384 pages

by Jane Austen
Sense and Sensibility
What is the love of a strong woman? FEELING? Not blind, animal passion, not timid humility, but - feeling? Proud, full of dignity, fully self-aware What is woman's love weak? Sensitivity? Fragile tenderness, as if from books and romances? Willingness to sacrifice yourself - but the inability to fight for yourself? Is there a man's love? The one that is neither a feeling nor a sensitivity? Strength and weakness at the same time? And - nothing more...
Number of pages: ~ 448 pages

The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe
Robinson Crusoe - The hero of the novels of Daniel Defoe, the first two of which were published in 1719. The first book about Robinson gave rise to the classic English novel and spawned the fashion for pseudo-documentary prose; it is often called the first "authentic" novel in English. This literary character has a real prototype - Alexander Selkirk, the boatswain of the ship "Cinque Ports" ("Senk Por"), distinguished by an extremely quarrelsome and quarrelsome character. Selkirk was landed in 1704, at his request, on an uninhabited island, supplied with weapons, food, seeds and tools....
Number of pages: ~ 352 pages